Cafe and gourmet shop "Pole"

Cafe and gourmet shop "Pole"

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Cafe and gourmet shop «Pole» 

The very special space with graphic bas-reliefs made of plaster serving as its decoration. Our own bakery and pastry shop prepare and serve excellent desserts, pastries and bread. The sausage shop headed by the famous master of meat gastronomy Andrey Kuspits, prepares cooked and smoked sausages, terrines, and hams. Here you can have breakfast in the morning while the restaurant is still not open, drink coffee with desserts, for which Daria Tereshenok-Kozhukhovskaya is responsible, take a breath and have a quick snack in the afternoon, and at the same time buy the products you like to arrange a real hedonistic feast at home.

Working Hours: 10.00 - 00.00
